Some frequently asked questions

We hope to make this an easy and pleasant transaction if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call.
  • How long can I have the bin for?

Bin hire is for up to two weeks; however, we are flexible and cater to the clients requirements.

  • When and how can I pay?

Payment is required on or before delivery by either payment over the phone, EFTPOS – trade credit accounts can be applied for on request.

  • What is included in the service?

Delivery of bin, pickup of the full bin, all GST is covered in cost and all tip fees are covered in the cost.

  • Can you put the bin on the road?

No. Legal Restrictions require no bins to be placed on any roads.

  • Where can I place the bin?

Bins can be placed on driveways/grass. Anywhere the truck can access being mindful of water meters, powerlines, houses and car ports.

  • What can I put in the bin?

Anything!! Except for asbestos unless it is an asbestos only bin, please note Mattresses, Tyres & Synthetic grass can go in the bin, however these items will carry an additional charge.

  • Will the truck be able to access my property?

Smaller bins are delivered on our smaller trucks. Please notify at the time of booking if there is limited room on site.